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Lord Belial pour l'album "The Black Curse"


Lord Belial pour l'album "The Black Curse" Entretien avec Thomas Backelin (chant/guitare) (2008)
Ave Thomas! Could you briefly introduce your band to those heretics who don't know Lord Belial?

Ave Nico, Lord Belial is a Swedish melodic black metal band, formed in 1992
We have our roots in black metal but have some death metal stuff as well forged into our music.

What are the main changes between Revelation and The Black Curse?

The main change between Revelation and The Black Curse is that The Black Curse has got some more aggressive and raw parts compared to Revelation which is more mid-tempo and has more slow and doomy parts.
The Black Curse also has these slower parts which are some kind of a trademark for Lord Belial of course but we have also added some more aggressive parts as well.

Why do you release an album so quickly (one year after Revelation)?

We felt ready and inspired to make another album that close to Revelation, I feel very satisfied with our work on this album even though there wasn't lots of time to actually write or record the songs.

How did the come back of Pepa happen?

Hjalmar Nielsen left Lord Belial from his own decision and our first thought was to continue with only 3 members but then the songs would suffer since all songs are based on 2 guitars. And our first and only choice was Niclas ”pepa” so we asked him and he said yes immediately and not more than 2 days later he had his gear in our rehearsal studio and it felt like he never left the band in the first place.

What does he bring to your music?

Pepa has some very good ideas and riffs which he set into our songs, he's also a very good lead guitarist

How did the writing progress (music and lyrics) go in Lord Belial?

Basically I make all of the riffs at home, putting it together and then I bring some very simple recordings to the others in the band. From there we start to rehearse and elaborate with the riffs and arrangements. After that is done I start to phrase the lyrics to the (almost) completed songs.

What does a “family band” change compared with a “friendly band”?

We have somewhat of a unique unity within our band, we are both family and friends and have stayed friends throughout all these years without any fights or struggles within the band.

Do you think of a possible come back of flute and Marielle Andersson for the singing?

Someday, when we feel like it.

Why did you stop your collaboration with Andy Larocque after so many albums?

We all just felt that it was time to move on and to try out a new producer and studio as well. I think it was very refreshing to work with a new producer in a brand new environment. I am not sure if we will try out our next album there as well, we haven't really decided anything yet for the next album.

Are you satisfied of your label Regain Records?

Regain Records treats us very well

Are you going to re-release your first albums (sometimes with high price on the web)?

We don't have any plans for that at the moment.

Are you conscious that Enter The Moonlight Gate is regarded as a cult album, one of the best release of Swedish black metal?

I know this since everyone wants us to play songs from this album when we're on tour and it's flattering, even though we have released 6 more albums after that one which also have some very good songs in my opinion.

Do you think you will be able to outdo that?

I am not the right person to ask, we always think that our newest stuff is the best just because it feels new and fresh for us. At the moment I feel that The Black Curse is the best album we've ever done so far.

Swedish black/death genre is disappearing, however some big names are still there (Necrophobic, Naglfar, In Aeternum..) or come back (Vinterland, Dawn, Unanimated…). What do you think now of that turmoil of the 90's?

The nineties really was the decade for Black Metal and it feels good to have been part of it all.

How did you feel the suicide of Jon Nödtveidt?

It felt tragic.

What are you listening to now?

At the moment I am listening a lot to Morbid Angel and Slayer, two bands which has been quite important for me actually.
Celtic Frost, Bathory, Venom are also some bands which has been very influential for me while growing up.

Do you have some news about your band Fleshbound?

Fleshbound has been terminated. I will continue the band as 1-man project later on, some day, maybe…

Why are you so discreet about shows?

We're not too discreet I think..

Have you planned to play at Paris?

We don't have any plans for Paris this tour, hopefully we will come there someday. We played in Paris back in 1997 and I have very positive memories of that specific gig. I met lots of very nice French Metal Heads who were into Lord Belial.

What do you think of France?

Ever since our gig in 1997 I have always likes France and I want to come back there again soon. We will have some dates in France on the coming tour, Grenoble and Perpignan.

A last word for your french fans ?

Thanks a lot for all your support and I hope that you will come to our shows on the upcoming tour!


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plus d'infos sur
Lord Belial
Lord Belial
Black/Death - 1992 - Suède

Lire aussi
Lord Belial
Lord Belial
The Black Curse

2008 - Regain Records

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