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21 Lucifers | Suède | Grind/Death/Thrash |
Überserker | Etats-Unis | Black Thrash Metal |
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A House Cursed | Etats-Unis | |
Abandoned | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Aborted | Belgique | Brutal Death Moderne |
Abraxas | Etats-Unis | Death Metal Thrashy |
Abyss | France | |
Accu§er | Allemagne | |
Acid Force | Slovaquie | Thrash Metal |
Acod | France | Black Death Metal Mélodique |
Act Of Defiance | Etats-Unis | Thrash Moderne |
Addicted | France | Power thrash n' roll |
Affront | Brésil | Thrashened Death engagé |
After All | Belgique | Thrash |
Agent Steel | Etats-Unis | Speed / Thrash Metal |
Aggravator | Etats-Unis | |
Aggressive Agricultor | France | |
Aggressive Perfector | Royaume-Uni | Heavy Speed Thrash Metal |
Agoraphobic Nosebleed | Etats-Unis | Cyber grind/thrash |
Agressor | France | Death Metal |
Alchemist | Australie | Psychedelic surf thrash |
Algebra | Suisse | Thrash Metal |
All That Remains | Etats-Unis | Metalcore |
Alpha Warhead | Portugal | Thrash Metal |
Altered Aeon | Suède | Power thrash/death metal |
Amoral | Finlande | Hard rock boosté au metal finlandais |
Amorphia | Inde | Thrash Metal |
Amzera | France | |
Anal Vomit | Pérou | |
Annihilator | Canada | Thrash metal |
Anonymus | Canada | Thrash Metal |
Antagonism | France | Thrash Metal |
Antagonized | Panama | Death/thrash |
Anthares | France | Thrash Metal |
Anthrax | Etats-Unis | Power Thrash / Heavy Rock |
Antichrist | Suède | Thrash Old-School |
Arcania | France | Thrash progressif |
Arise | Suède | Death/Thrash mélodique |
Arise And Ruin | Canada | Thrashcore |
Armament | Inde | |
Armoros | Canada | Thrash |
Arsis | Etats-Unis | Death mélodique technique |
Aspid | Russie | Thrash Metal Technique |
Assorted Heap | Allemagne | Death / Thrash |
Assylum | Chili | Thrash Metal |
Asylum | Australie | Thrash Metal |
At The Gates | Suède | Death Metal Legend |
Atheist | Etats-Unis | Techno-death/thrash |
Atrophid | France | |
Atrophy | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal |
Atrox | Norvège | Avant-garde electro heavy thrash |
Attomica | Brésil | Thrash Bestial |
Austrian Death Machine | Etats-Unis | Thrashcore |
bbb |
Backlash | France | Thrash'n Roll |
Baffald | Canada | Thrash Metal |
Baphomet's Blood | Italie | |
Barbarian | Italie | Speed/Thrash/Black Metal |
Battered | Norvège | Thrash Metal |
Battlecreek | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Battlecross | Etats-Unis | Death thrash mélodique |
Beholder | Canada | Black Thrash Metal |
Believer | Etats-Unis | Experimental techno thrash |
Bellator | France | |
Besieged | Canada | Thrash Metal |
Bestial Invasion | Ukraine | Techno thrash |
Bestial Nihilism | France | |
Bewitched | Suède | Thrash Metal |
Biomechanical | Royaume-Uni | Heavy Power/Thrash progressif à tendance B.O. |
Biowarfare | Chili | |
Birds Of Prey | Etats-Unis | Death/thrash/stoner |
Black Fast | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal Progressif |
Black Mass | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal |
Blackened | France | Thrash/Crossover |
Blackness | France | Thrash Metal |
Bladecrusher | Pays-Bas | |
Blame | France | Death Metal |
Blasted | France | |
Blessed Curse | Etats-Unis | Thrash metal |
Blood Feast | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal |
Blood Tsunami | Norvège | Death thrash mélodique |
Bloodjinn | Etats-Unis | Thrashcore - Metalcore |
Bloodkill | Inde | Thrash/Groove Metal |
Bloodlost | Suisse | Thrash Metal |
Bloody Alchemy | France | Death/Thrash Moderne |
Body Count | Etats-Unis | Rap Metal Urbain |
Bomb Scare Crew | France | Power/thrash |
Bomber | France | Thrash Metal |
Bonded By Blood | Etats-Unis | Thrash Bay Area |
BreakDust | France | Thrash metal |
Breed Machine | France | Néo power thrash |
Brick Bath | Etats-Unis | Thrashcore |
Brodequin | Etats-Unis | Brutal Death Metal |
Broken Edge | France | Modern power thrash |
Bulldozer | Italie | |
Bulldozing Bastard | Allemagne | |
BurstHead | France | Thrash Metal |
By Night | Suède | Cyber Thrash/Hardcore |
Bütcher | Belgique | Blackened Speed/Thrash |
Byzantine | Etats-Unis | Power thrash mélodique |
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Cadavera | France | |
Callenish Circle | Pays-Bas | Thrash / Death mélodique aux influs électros |
Can Of Worms | France | Thrash death |
Canker | Espagne | Death/Thrash |
Capharnaum | Etats-Unis | Thrash technique |
Carnal Forge | Suède | Death/Thrash mélodique |
Carnivore | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Crossover |
Casketgarden | Hongrie | Death / Thrash mélodique |
Cataract | Suisse | Thrashcore |
Category 7 | Etats-Unis | Heavy Thrash Metal |
Ceaseless Torment | Finlande | Thrash Metal |
Centinex | Suède | Death Metal |
Cesspit | France | Thrash-Death |
Chainbreaker | Canada | Thrash/Speed Metal |
Chaos | Inde | Thrash |
Charred Walls Of The Damned | Etats-Unis | Thrashened Power Metal |
Chemicaust | Etats-Unis | |
Chemicide | Costa Rica | Thrash Metal |
Chicken Destroy | France | |
Children Of Bodom | Finlande | MeloDeath sucré au Heavy Power |
Chimaira | Etats-Unis | Power/Thrash |
Chryseis | France | Techno-Death/Thrash |
Cliché Boys | France | |
Co-Exist | Royaume-Uni | Grind |
Codeon | Finlande | Death/Thrash mélodique technique |
Coma | Italie | Thrash Metal |
Comaniac | Suisse | |
Commit Suicide | Etats-Unis | |
Communic | Norvège | Heavy/thrash/Prog. |
Condition Critical | Etats-Unis | Thrash |
Condor | Norvège | Thrash Old-School |
Construcdead | Suède | Thrash/Death plutôt mélodique |
Contorsion | Suisse | Thrash |
Contradiction | Allemagne | Power Thrash |
Cop Skeletons | Etats-Unis | |
Coprofago | Chili | Thrash jazzy technique et brutal |
Coroner | Suisse | Thrash Technique |
Corrosif | Suisse | |
Corrosive Elements | France | Thrash/Death N’Roll |
Cosmic Jaguar | Ukraine | Techno Thrash Metal |
Create A Kill | Etats-Unis | Death/Thrash |
Criminal | Chili | Thrash/Groove Metal |
Crisix | Espagne | Thrash Metal |
Critical Defiance | Chili | Thrash Metal |
Cro-Mags | Etats-Unis | |
Crusadist | Etats-Unis | Death/Thrash Technique Moderne |
Crushing Brain | Chili | Speed Thrash Metal |
Cryonic State | France | |
Cryptic Reborn | France | |
Cryptic Shift | Royaume-Uni | Death / Thrash Technique |
Cryptosis | Pays-Bas | |
Cyclone | Belgique | Thrash Metal |
ddd |
Dagon | Etats-Unis | Heavy/Death/Thrash mélodique |
Dark Angel | Etats-Unis | |
Dark Order | Australie | Thrash Metal |
Dark Poetry | France | Thrash Panteresque |
Darkane | Suède | Death / Thrash Mélodique |
Darkest Hour | Etats-Unis | Metalcore / Death mélodique |
Darkness | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Dawnbreath | Belgique | Power Thrash |
Dead Heat | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Crossover |
DeadlySins | France | Thrash Metal |
Deadspeak | Pays-Bas | Death/Thrash Metal |
Death Angel | Etats-Unis | Thrash metal |
Death Awaits | France | |
Death Invoker | Pérou | |
Death Mechanism | Italie | |
Death Power | France | |
Deathawaits | France | Death(core) Moderne |
Deathchain | Finlande | Death/Thrash |
Deathhammer | Norvège | Thrash Metal |
Deathraiser | Brésil | Thrash Metal |
Deathrattle | Roumanie | |
Deathroned | France | |
Deathroner | Canada | Raw Evil Thrash/Death |
Deathstorm | Autriche | Thrash |
Deathwards | Chili | |
Decadence | Suède | Thrash/death mélodique |
Deceased | Etats-Unis | Death /Thrash / Heavy Metal |
Decline Of Humanity | France | |
Deeply Confused | Canada | |
Deficiency | France | |
Defleshed | Suède | Death / Thrash |
Dejected | France | Crust / thrashcore |
Dekapitator | Etats-Unis | Old-school fucking thrash metal |
Delirious | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Deliver the Suffering | France | |
Demagogue | Royaume-Uni | |
Demiricous | Etats-Unis | Death / Thrash |
Demolition Hammer | Etats-Unis | Thrash |
Demolizer | Danemark | Thrash Metal |
Demonbreed | Royaume-Uni | Thrashcore |
Demoniac | Chili | |
Demonica | Danemark
Etats-Unis | Power thrash mélodique |
Demonoid | Suède | Thrash/Death ultra malsain |
Demosys | France | |
Denial | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal |
Deranged | Canada | |
Desaster | Allemagne | Thrash/Black |
Descending | Grèce | Death/Thrash mélodique |
Deserter | Belgique | Thrash Metal nucléaire |
Despise You | Etats-Unis | |
Destinity | France | Thrash/Death Mélodique |
Destruction | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Detherous | Canada | Death / Thrash |
Devastation | Etats-Unis | Thrash |
Devastatiön | Belgique | |
Devian | Suède | |
DevilDriver | Etats-Unis | Power/Thrash Moderne Mélodique |
Dew-Scented | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Dimension Zero | Suède | Death/Thrash mélodique |
Disarray | Suède | Thrash Metal |
Dissident | France | |
Dissimulator | Canada | Death / Thrash Technique |
Distillator | Pays-Bas | Thrash metal |
Divinity | Canada | Mélodeath/Prog/Neo thrash |
Division Speed | Allemagne | Speed Thrash Metal |
Donor | Pays-Bas | |
Doomsday | Etats-Unis | |
Dr. Living Dead! | Suède | Thrash / Crossover |
Drain | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Crossover |
Dreadful Fate | Suède | Thrash/Death Old-School |
Dream Fool Disease | France | |
Dreamlord | Grèce | Heavy / Thrash Metal |
Drowning | France | Dark Brutal Death |
Dunkell Reiter | Brésil | Thrash Metal |
Dust Bolt | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Dystopy | France | |
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Ecocide | Pays-Bas | Death/Thrash Metal |
Ekulu | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Crossover |
Electrocutioner | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal |
Eliminator | Allemagne | |
Eliminator | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal |
End Times | Etats-Unis | |
Endless | France | Heavy Thrash Metal |
Endless Chaos | Canada | Death-Thrash Technique et Mélodique |
Enemy Of The Sun | Allemagne | Heavy / Thrash moderne |
Energetic Krusher | Royaume-Uni | |
Enforced | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Crossover |
Enmity | France
Jordanie | Thrash Death Metal |
Entombed | Suède | Death Suédois |
eOn | France | Hardcore/powerthrash moderne hypervitaminé |
Epidemic | Etats-Unis | Thrash |
Eradikated | Suède | Thrash Metal |
Erazor | Allemagne | |
Essence | Danemark | Ex-Thrash Prometteur |
Estertor | Espagne | Thrash Metal |
Eternal Gray | Israël | Dark Death/Thrash/Power Moderne |
Evil | Japon | Black Thrash Metal |
Evil Army | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal/Crossover |
Evil One | France | Thrash/Speed |
Evildead | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal |
Evile | Royaume-Uni | Thrash Metal |
Exa | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Exalter | Bangladesh | |
Excel | Etats-Unis | |
Excoriate | Allemagne | Old-School Death/Thrash Metal |
Exhorder | Etats-Unis | Groove Thrash/Thrash Metal |
Exhumation | Grèce | Death mélodique |
Existence | Suède | Thrash / Crossover |
Exmortus | Etats-Unis | Neo-Classical Power/Thrash/Death |
Exodus | Etats-Unis | Thrash metal |
Exorcizphobia | République Tchèque | Thrash Metal |
Exordium Mors | Nouvelle-Zélande | Black/Thrash/Death |
Expulsion | Pays-Bas | Speed/Death/Thrash mélodique technique |
Expulsion | Etats-Unis | |
Extinct | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Extol | Norvège | |
Extravasion | France | |
Exumer | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Eyeconoclast | Italie | Death / Thrash |
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Fabulous Desaster | Allemagne | Thrash Old-School |
Fatal Collapse | Allemagne | Thrash Metal Crossover |
Fatal Embrace | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Fear My Thoughts | Allemagne | Death/Thrash mélodique moderne |
Fight | Etats-Unis | Power Thrash |
Final Breath | Allemagne | Death / Thrash |
Final Drive | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Groove |
First Aid | France | |
Foetur | France | |
Forbidden | Etats-Unis | Heavy thrash |
Force Of Darkness | Chili | |
Foreseen | Finlande | Thrash / Crossover |
Frightful | Pologne | Death/Thrash |
Frightmare | Etats-Unis | Cocktail thrash/death/crust |
Fugitive | Etats-Unis | |
Full Blown Chaos | Etats-Unis | Thrashcore |
Funeral Nation | Etats-Unis | |
Furia | France | Death mélodique moderne |
Fusion Bomb | Luxembourg | Thrash |
ggg |
Galaxy | Australie | |
Gama Bomb | Royaume-Uni | Crossover/Thrash Metal |
Gammacide | Etats-Unis | Thrash |
Garagedays | Autriche | Power/Thrash/Heavy |
Gate of Mind | France | |
Gates Of Ishtar | Suède | Death Metal Mélodique |
General Chaos | Allemagne | Thrash n'roll |
Ghoul | Etats-Unis | Death Metal |
Ghoulunatics | Canada | Thrash/death'n'roll |
God Dethroned | Pays-Bas | Death Mélodique |
God Forbid | Etats-Unis | Power/Thrash Mélodique |
Gorod | France | Death Technico-Mélodique |
Gravehill | Etats-Unis | Death/Thrash |
Grinder | Allemagne | |
Grip Inc. | Etats-Unis | Thrash |
Guilty Of Reason | France | |
Gurd | Suisse | Power thrash |
Gutworm | Royaume-Uni | Thrashcore |
Gwar | Etats-Unis | Thrash hard rock |
hhh |
H2SO4 | Bangladesh | |
Hacride | France | Metal moderne mature |
Hail!Hornet | Etats-Unis | Sludge / Thrash |
Harlott | Australie | Thrash Metal |
Harm | Norvège | Thrash Metal |
HateSphere | Danemark | Thrash/Death |
Hatred | Allemagne | Thrash metal |
Hatriot | Etats-Unis | Thrash metal |
Havok | Etats-Unis | Thrash metal |
Hazzerd | Canada | |
Headhunter | Allemagne | Thrash metal |
Headless Hunter | Pays-Bas | Thrash Metal |
Heart Attack | France | Thrash Moderne / Groove Metal |
Heathen | Etats-Unis | Thrash metal |
Heavy Justice | Etats-Unis | Heavy Metal |
Hell Within | Etats-Unis | Thrash/Metalcore |
Hell's Domain | Danemark | |
Hellbomb | Russie | |
Hellbringer | Australie | Thrash / Speed |
Hellgarden | Brésil | Pantera Power Thrash |
Hellish | Chili | Thrash Metal |
Hellish Crossfire | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Hellwitch | Etats-Unis | Death / Thrash |
Helmsplitter | Etats-Unis | Death Thrash et plus si affinités |
Hemoragy | France | |
Heretic | Etats-Unis | |
Herkainn | France | |
Hexecutor | France | Thrash |
Hexen | Etats-Unis | Thrash Mélodico-Progressif |
Hexing | Finlande | Thrash Metal |
High Command | Etats-Unis | |
High On Fire | Etats-Unis | Stoner / Thrash Metal |
Highrider | Suède | Thrash / Doom / Crossover Epique |
Himsa | Etats-Unis | Heavy/Thrashcore |
Hirax | Etats-Unis | |
Hoax | France | Power-Thrash |
Holy Moses | Allemagne | Thrash avec une chanteuse |
Holy War | France | |
Holycide | Espagne | Thrash Metal |
Home Cook | France | |
Horn Of The Rhino | Espagne | Blackened Death/Doom/Rock |
Horrorscope | Pologne | Power thrash |
Hurtlocker | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Hardcore |
Hypokras | France | Death Metal |
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I, Destroyer | Etats-Unis | |
Illegal Corpse | France | Thrash / Crossover |
Impaled | Etats-Unis | Death Metal |
Impiety | Singapour | Death/Black/Thrash old school |
Impious | Suède | Death/Thrash |
In Arkadia | France | Thrash Mélodique |
In Battle | Suède | Death / Thrash |
In Blackest Velvet | Allemagne | |
In Death... | Australie | Deathcore / Thrash |
In Malice's Wake | Australie | Thrash Metal |
In Slumber | Autriche | Death/Thrash melodique |
In Thy Dreams | Suède | Death/Thrash mélodique |
Incapacity | Suède | Death/Thrash |
Incinerate | Belgique | |
Incubus | Etats-Unis | Thrash/Death |
Inculter | Norvège | Black / Thrash |
Indian Nightmare | Allemagne | Speed / Thrash |
Infernäl Mäjesty | Canada | Thrash à rallonge |
Infernö | Norvège | |
Injury | Italie | Thrash Metal |
Insense | Norvège | Brutal Math-Metalcore suffocant |
Insidious one | Russie | Speed/Thrash/Death Metal |
Insulters | Espagne | Black / Thrash |
Intoxicated | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal |
Invincible Force | Chili | Death Metal |
Invocator | Danemark | Thrash Metal |
Ireful | Italie | Thrash Metal |
Iron Age | Etats-Unis | |
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Jack Face | France | Thrash / Core |
Jenner | Serbie | Heavy Thrash Metal |
Jt Ripper | Allemagne | Thrash Old-School |
kkk |
K.A. | France | |
Kaizen | France | Power/Death |
Kalmah | Finlande | Death/Power mélodique |
Kamizol-K | France | Hardcore Metalcore |
Karabiner | Ukraine | |
Karnal | France | |
Kerry King | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal |
Kevorkia | France | |
Kill Division | Pays-Bas | Death / Thrash |
Killaman | Suède | Death / Thrash |
Killer Be Killed | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metalcore |
Killing | Danemark | Thrash Metal |
Kiuas | Finlande | Heavy/Power |
Koroded | Allemagne | Power Thrash/Neo/Metalcore |
Korum | France | (Thrash) Métal technique |
Kreator | Allemagne | Thrash |
Kristendom | France | Death/Thrash mélodique |
lll |
Labyrinth | Etats-Unis | |
Laceration | Etats-Unis | Death/Thrash Metal |
Lamb Of God | Etats-Unis | Power/Thrash Moderne |
Lay Down Rotten | Allemagne | Death mélodique velu |
Lazarus A.D. | Etats-Unis | Power/Thrash |
Leeway | Etats-Unis | Hardcore / Crossover |
Legion Of The Damned | Pays-Bas | Blackened thrash metal |
Lethal Blaster | Pérou | Thrash Metal |
Lethal Mind | France | |
Lifeless Dark | Etats-Unis | Death / Crust |
Liva | Canada | Thrash-Death teinté de musique classique |
Lost Society | Finlande | |
Loudblast | France | Death Metal |
Lowdown | Norvège | Néo power thrash |
Lowest Creature | Suède | |
Lucifuge | Allemagne | |
Lyzanxia | France | Thrash/Death Mélodique |
mmm |
Macabre | Etats-Unis | Death, Thrash, Grind et Tradition |
Machete Law | Espagne | |
Machine Head | Etats-Unis | Modern Thrash/Groove Metal |
Mad Throng | Colombie | Thrash Metal |
Magnus | Pologne | Death/Thrash |
Mahatma | Corée du Sud | Thrash poussif |
Mahavatar | Etats-Unis | Heavy/Thrash en string |
Malevolent Creation | Etats-Unis | Death Metal |
Malfeitor | Etats-Unis | |
Maligner | Suède | Thrash |
Malkavian | France | Power Thrash / Groove Metal |
Malmonde | France | Cyber heavy/thrash metal |
Mammoth Grinder | Etats-Unis | Hardcore / Thrash |
Manifestic | Allemagne | |
Mantic Ritual | Etats-Unis | Old school thrash metal |
Manzer | France | |
Marionette | Suède | Death mélodique next gen |
Mass Disorder | Portugal | |
Master | Etats-Unis
République Tchèque | Death/Thrash Metal |
Maze Of Torment | Suède | Thrash |
Megadeth | Etats-Unis | Thrash metal |
Mekong Delta | Allemagne | Techno-Thrash |
Mencea | Grèce | Death/Thrash moderne |
Mental Devastation | Chili | |
Mental Disease | Allemagne | |
Meshuggah | Suède | Metal progressif |
Messiah | Suisse | Death/Thrash |
Metal Church | Etats-Unis | Heavy/Power/Thrash |
Metallica | Etats-Unis | Metal |
Mezzrow | Suède | Thrash |
Mind Imperium | France | Groove Thrash Metal |
Mindforce | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Crossover |
Mindlag Project | France | Thrash mélodique metalcorisant |
Miscreance | Italie | Death / Thrash |
Miscreants | Pays-Bas | |
Miseration | Suède | Death Metal |
Misery Index | Etats-Unis | Death/Grind |
Misgivings | France | Death Metal |
Mistaken Element | France | French modern thrash |
Monolyth | France | Power Thrash Mélodique/Metalcore |
Morbid Saint | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal |
Moribund Scum | Allemagne | Thrash |
Morphoss | France | |
Mors Principium Est | Finlande | Death mélodique |
Mortal Scepter | France | Thrash |
Mortal Vision | Ukraine | Thrash Metal |
Mortuary | Mexique | Death / Thrash |
Mortuary | France | Death / Thrash |
Motam Death Squad | Italie | |
Mumakil | Suisse | Grindcore |
Municipal Waste | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Crossover |
Mystic Prophecy | Allemagne | Heavy/Power |
Mörbid Carnage | Hongrie | Thrash Metal |
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Nail Within | Israël | Thrash avec des morceaux de death mélodique |
Nailbomb | Brésil
Royaume-Uni | Thrash Industriel |
Naitaka | Canada | Thrash Death Metal |
Necrodeath | Italie | Black Thrash Death Metal |
Necrokinesis | Irlande | Thrash Metal |
Necronomicon | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Nekrofilth | Etats-Unis | Death / Thrash |
Nekromantheon | Norvège | Thrash |
Nervecell | Emirats Arabes Unis | Death Metal |
Nervosa | Brésil | Thrash metal |
Nevermore | Etats-Unis | Power/Heavy/Thrash Moderne Mélodique |
Night In Gales | Allemagne | Death mélodique |
Nightfall | Grèce | Blackened death mélodique et mystique |
No Mercy | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Crossover |
No Return | France | Death/Thrash Mélodique |
Nocturn | Pays-Bas | Thrash / Death |
Non-Human-Level | Suède | Thrash / Death technique |
Nox Irae | France | |
Nuclear Assault | Etats-Unis | Thrash |
Nuclear Storm | Allemagne | Thrash Death Métal Mélodique |
Nuestros Derechos | Pays-Bas | Thrash metal |
Num Skull | Etats-Unis | Thrash |
Numidian Killing Machine | Algérie | Black Thrash Speed Metal |
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Oath Of Cruelty | Etats-Unis | Death/Thrash Primitif |
Obdurated | France | Thrash/Death Mélodique |
Obliveon | Canada | |
Oblivion Throne | Etats-Unis | |
Obnoxious | France | Death brutal & mélodique à large spectre |
Obtest | Lituanie | Heavy Thrash Folk |
Ominous | Suède | Thrash/Death |
One Man Army and the Undead Quartet | Suède | Thrash Metal |
One Shot Eye | Pologne | |
Onslaught | Royaume-Uni | Thrash Métal |
Oozing Wound | Etats-Unis | Noise rock / Thrash Metal |
Origin'Hell | France | Death / Thrash |
Outcast | France | Modern Death |
Overkill | Etats-Unis | Thrash |
Overthrow | Royaume-Uni | |
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P.L.F. | Etats-Unis | Grindcore |
Pandemic | Pologne | Thrash Metal |
Pantera | Etats-Unis | Power/Thrash |
Panzer Squad | Allemagne | Thrash Old-School |
Paradox | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Pest Control | Royaume-Uni | Thrash / Crossover |
Pestilence | Pays-Bas | Death Metal Technique |
Phantom | Mexique | Speed / Thrash |
Philip H. Anselmo and the Illegals | Etats-Unis | |
Pig Destroyer | Etats-Unis | Grindcore |
Plague Years | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Crossover |
Poltergeist | Suisse | |
Possessed | Etats-Unis | Death/Thrash |
Power Trip | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Crossover |
Prestige | Finlande | Thrash Metal |
Prezir | Etats-Unis | Black Metal |
Primal Rage | France | Thrash/Groove Hardcore |
Primitiv'Act | France | |
Prong | Etats-Unis | |
Protector | Allemagne | Thrash |
Prowl | Canada | |
Proxess | France | |
Pulsion | France | Power Thrash |
rrr |
R.I.P. | France | Thrash Death Metal |
Rage | Allemagne | Heavy-Thrash mélodique |
Raise Hell | Suède | Thrash/Heavy |
Ranger | Finlande | Speed Metal |
Rapture | Grèce | Thrash Death Metal |
Rapture | Finlande | Dark metal atmosphérique |
Raw Power | Italie | Thrashcore |
Razend | Pays-Bas | Thrash |
Razor | Canada | Thrash Metal |
Reactory | Allemagne | |
Reanimator | Canada | |
Reavers | Allemagne | |
Reclusion | Suède | Thrash |
Redmind | France | Thrash Groove Metal |
Refore | République Tchèque | Thrash Metal |
Revenant | Etats-Unis | Death / Thrash |
Revengia | Suède | Heavy thrash old school |
Revocation | Etats-Unis | Thrash/Death Technique Mélodique |
Riffobia | Grèce | Thrash Metal |
Ringworm | Etats-Unis | Thrash/Hardcore old school |
Ripper | Chili | Thrash |
Ripping Corpse | Etats-Unis | Death / Thrash |
Rumpelstiltskin Grinder | Etats-Unis | Thrash metal |
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S.D.I. | Allemagne | Heavy/Speed |
Sabbat | Japon | |
Sacred Reich | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal |
Sacrifice | Canada | Thrash Metal |
Sacrifixion | Allemagne | |
Sacrifizer | France | Speed / Thrash |
Sacrilege | Royaume-Uni | Thrash |
Sadist | Italie | Techno-thrash ambiancé |
Sadistic Ritual | Etats-Unis | Thrash |
Sadus | Etats-Unis | Thrash Death Metal Technique |
Salem | Israël | Death thrash oriental |
Sarcator | Suède | (Heavy) Thrash Mélodique |
Sarke | Norvège | Black Thrash |
Savagery | France | |
Scarr | France | |
Schizo | Italie | Thrash Extrême Old-School |
Schizophrenia | Belgique | Death / Thrash |
Scolopendra | France | |
Scorn Age | Ukraine | Power thrash |
Scornforger | France | Thrash Metal |
Screaming Eyes | Italie | |
Scumripper | Finlande | Death / Thrash |
Scumslaught | France | Death / Thrash |
Scythian | Royaume-Uni | Blackened Death/Thrash |
Seance | Suède | Death / Thrash |
Seeds of Hate | France | |
Sepulcher | Norvège | Death / Thrash |
Sepulchral Voices | Belgique | |
Sepultura | Brésil | Thrash tribal |
Serpent Obscene | Suède | Death/Thrash old-school |
Seven Steps Of Denial | Pays-Bas | Heavy Metal |
Seven Tongues Of God | Belgique | Power/Thrash moderne |
Sexcrement | Etats-Unis | Death-Thrash |
Shadows Fall | Etats-Unis | Thrash/Metalcore |
Shadowspawn | Danemark | Death/Thrash Metal |
She Said Destroy | Norvège | Metal extrême moderne, lourd et original |
Shock Treatment | Belgique | |
Shotgun Logic | France | |
Siberian Meat Grinder | Russie | |
Siege Of Power | Etats-Unis
Pays-Bas | Death/Thrash/Doom Metal |
Sieges Even | Allemagne | |
Six Flying Putanas | France | |
Skeleton Crew | France | Dark Thrash |
Skeleton Wolf | Etats-Unis | Thrash Black |
Skeletonwitch | Etats-Unis | Black/Death/Thrash mélodique |
Skinbleed | France | |
Skineater | Suède | Death/Thrash |
Skourge | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Crossover |
Slammer | Royaume-Uni | Thrash |
Slaughter | Canada | |
Slayer | Etats-Unis | Thrash |
Sleazy View | France | |
Sodom | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Soilwork | Suède | Death mélodique moderne |
Solstice | Etats-Unis | Death/Thrash |
Sordid Leader | France | |
Soulfly | Brésil | Néo / Thrash |
Space Chaser | Allemagne | |
Speedtrip | Inde | Thrash Metal |
Spellbound | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Spellforger | Indonésie | |
Spiritworld | Etats-Unis | |
Spit Your Hate | France | |
SSS (Short Sharp Shock) | Royaume-Uni | Thrash Crossover |
Stampin' Ground | Royaume-Uni | |
Steel Bearing Hand | Etats-Unis | Death / Thrash |
Stench Of Death | Canada | |
Stonegard | Norvège | Power thrash mélodique |
Strivers | France | Metalcore |
Subliminal Fear | Italie | Death-thrash mélodique |
Submission | Danemark | Thrash Death mélodique |
Suicidal Angels | Grèce | Thrash Metal |
Suicidal Tendencies | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Crossover |
Sun Descends | Etats-Unis | Old-school fuckin' thrash metal |
Suppression | Chili | Death Metal |
Surgical Strike | Allemagne | Power Thrash Metal |
Susperia | Norvège | Power thrash mélodique |
Swarm | France | Progressive Groove - Thrash Metal |
Sworn Amongst | Royaume-Uni | Thrash vintage |
Sylosis | Royaume-Uni | Néo thrash mélodique |
Symbyosis | France | (Thrash/Death) metal progressif et technique |
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T.E.R. | Italie | |
Tabahi | Pakistan | Thrash Metal |
Taetre | Suède | Death/Thrash mélodique |
Take Offense | Etats-Unis | Thrash / Crossover |
Tankard | Allemagne | Thrash |
Tantara | Norvège | Thrash Metal |
Tao Menizoo | France | Dark original thrash/death |
Target | Belgique | Thrash |
Tears In Vain | France | |
Tempered | Royaume-Uni | |
Tenet | Canada | Thrash metal moderne |
Terminal Death | Etats-Unis | |
Terminal Violence | Espagne | Thrash Metal |
Terravore | Bulgarie | Thrash Metal |
Terrifier | Canada | Thrash |
Terror 2000 | Suède | Speed/Thrash festif |
Testament | Etats-Unis | Thrash |
Thanatos | Pays-Bas | Death/Thrash |
The Absence | Etats-Unis | Death / Thrash mélodique |
The Agony Scene | Etats-Unis | Metalcore/Death/Thrash mélodique |
The Arcane Order | Danemark | Thrash / Death moderne |
The Bereaved | Suède | Death / Thrash mélodique |
The Black Dahlia Murder | Etats-Unis | Death/Thrash mélodique |
The Bleeding | Royaume-Uni | Thrash Death Metal |
The Burning | Danemark | Death thrash |
The Cleaner | Belgique | |
The Crown | Suède | Death Metal |
The Duskfall | Suède | Death mélodique |
The Forsaken | Suède | Death Metal |
The Harrowed | Australie | Thrash metal |
The Haunted | Suède | Thrash Metal |
The Hellectric Devilz | France | Heavy Rock Metal |
The Kandidate | Danemark | Hardcore/Thrash/Death n' roll |
The Machete | Finlande | Thrash moderne Copier/Coller |
The Pestilence Choir | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal |
The Wretched End | Norvège | Death/Thrash |
Thine Eyes Bleed | Canada | Death/Thrash |
Third Arm | France | |
Thirsty Demon | Chili | |
Thrashback | France | Thrash Old-School |
Through The Eyes Of The Dead | Etats-Unis | Deathcore |
Throw Up | France | |
Tommyknockers | France | Thrash Metal |
Torchbearer | Suède | Death/Black mélodique |
Torn Fabriks | Portugal | Thrash Metal |
Toxic Holocaust | Etats-Unis | Thrash Punk |
Toxik | Etats-Unis | |
Trarko | France | |
Trastorned | Chili | Thrash |
Trench Hell | Australie | |
Trendkill | Suède | Hardcore / Thrash |
Triumphant | Autriche | Black/Thrash |
Truent | Canada | |
Truth Corroded | Australie | Thrash Death |
Truth Decayed | Afrique du Sud | |
Turbocharged | Suède | |
Turn Cold | Etats-Unis | |
Töxik Death | Norvège | Thrash |
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Ultra-Violence | Italie | Thrash Metal |
Unsafe | France | Power thrash corisant |
Ural | Italie | Thrash Metal |
Urn | Finlande | Black/Thrash |
Usurper | Etats-Unis | Death / Thrash |
vvv |
Vader | Pologne | Death Metal |
Vectis | Portugal | |
Vektor | Etats-Unis | Progressive Thrash Metal |
Venom | Royaume-Uni | Heavy-Thrash |
Verbal Razors | France | Thrash Metal |
Vexovoid | Italie | Progressive Thrash Metal |
Vice & Rale | France | |
Vigilante | France | Metal Extrême Oppressant avec Orgue |
Vile Apparition | Australie | Death Metal |
Violent Definition | Grèce | Thrash Metal |
Violentada | Canada | |
Violentor | Italie | |
Voice Of Ruin | Suisse | Death metal mélodique |
Void | Etats-Unis | Thrash |
Voight Kampff | France | Techno thrash |
Voivod | Canada | Thrash Metal Progressif |
Vomitory | Suède | Death Metal |
Vulture | Allemagne | Speed / Thrash |
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Warattah | France | |
Warbeast | Etats-Unis | Thrash Groove Metal |
Warbringer | Etats-Unis | Thrash Metal |
Warfect | Suède | Thrash |
Weapons To Hunt | Pays-Bas | Death/Thrash |
Whiplash | Etats-Unis | Speed/Thrash |
Witch Trail | Belgique | |
Witchburner | Allemagne | Thrash Metal |
Witchery | Suède | Thrash metal |
Witches | France | Thrash Death Metal |
Witches Hammer | Canada | Blackened Speed/Thrash |
Witching Hour | Allemagne | Blackened Heavy/Speed |
Witchmaster | Pologne | |
Wolf Spider | Pologne | Techno Thrash |
Wretched | Etats-Unis | Death(core)/Thrash mélodique |
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Xanadoo | Singapour | Thrash Metal |
Xenoblight | Danemark | Blackened Death metal aux moult inspirations |
Xtrunk | France | Power thrash mélodique |
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Year Of Desolation | Etats-Unis | Heavy/Thrash/Death |
Yugal | France | |
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Zombiefication | Mexique | Death Metal |
Zöldïer Noïz | France | Thrash |
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