Amoral pour l'album "Reptile Ride" Interview
Amoral pour l'album "Reptile Ride" Entretien avec Silver Ots (guitare) (2007)
Après un "Decrowning" fonceur et mélodique qui avait marqué beaucoup de points lors de sa sortie en 2005, Amoral revient deux ans plus tard avec un "Reptile Ride" aussi jouissif que son prédécesseur, qui lui permet cette fois d'aller squatter les charts finlandais.
Fatigue, humour pince-sans-rire lapidaire, naturel peu prolixe ou énervement dû à certaines questions poil à gratter: quelles que soient les raisons ayant amené Silver Ots a être si peu abondant dans ses réponses, il n'en reste pas moins qu'il nous livre ci-après quelques points de vue certes parfois vite torchés, mais toujours incisifs. Hi there,
First, thank you very much for taking the time to answer the questions of a French webzine, especially now that you're reaching high ranks in the charts (and that you now have money, fame, power, girls and alcohol more than you would have ever dreamed of … no ?) and you might have less time to do so. Now on to the real questions:
I've been a big fan of what you do since “Decrowning”, so I was anxiously waiting for the new album, not knowing where you would go. Now I'm more than happy, given that you finally keep on playing the same kind of metal than you did on the former album (with maybe some new things here and there, like “Pusher”, that is darker and slower than usual, and the instrumental “Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Fun”), but without repeating yourselves neither being boring or redundant ... I can't understand how you succeeded to do so, but I'm extremely happy with that !! How do you personally see Amoral's evolution between the last 2 albums ?
I think it's gone towards more straightforward, live oriented style. I can't see the gap being that big between the second and third than it is with the first and second album. So just between the last two ones I'd say the new one's got more drive and melody in it.
I'm still amazed when I hear one of your albums: the music is both melodic and aggressive, technical - with some atypical-and-not-that-easy-to-get-into parts - but still catchy and flowing ... What is the secret ? Yes, don't say there is none: it is not possible to play within a style that is so overcrowded (Scandinavian melodic death/thrash) still being that good and different from the others without cheating in some parts ... Did you sell your souls to The Devil, or eat/drink/smoke not-rea lly-legal substances that help both artists and sportsmen being at the top ? ;)
We do shitload of crack-cocain constantly.
I've seen that you reach rank #34 in the Finnish charts: congratulations ! Do you know what's the key of this success (despite the talent on display of course): better promotion, some good reviews in well known music magazines, … ? Or maybe, playing a quite melodic metal with a “Scandinavian touch”, you might benefit a little bit from the “metalcore buzz” that is especially strong in the US (despite the fact that you still haven't adopt the clean voice & the poppy chorus *applause, cheers, applause* that are mandatory parts of this style) ?
Actually, the album was fifth on the first week of it's release. It's obvious the homo erotic glam pics and the awesome album cover did their job.
It's now some time ago that “Decrowning” has been released in Europe, and it has been highly critically acclaimed back then: still, you're not what I would call a big fish (outside of Finland …): I met many metalheads that don't know you or don't know how good you are ... What's the reason for that: bad promotion from Spikefarm ? You're playing a kind of metal that is too overcrowded these days ? Or is it because I live in France, a country that is part of metal Third-world ? Anyway I hope it's going to change with the last album !
Those metalheads better keep their eyes and ears open. Amoral has played five times in France in the last couple of years.
Here is a question that might have you want to punch me in the face, anyway let's ask it (the questions are asked through email, so it's quite safe ... Who said I'm a coward ? :) ): “Decrowning” cover art was “strange”, not really “powerful” or “sick” the way we are used to. Now “Reptile Ride” goes a little bit further this way, with a cover art that is quite fun but not really beautiful ... Won't you like to have one of these beautiful Andreas Marshall or Travis Smith covers ? I'm sure Spinefarm can afford that: it would surely help attract more people to what you do, what do you think ?
Fuck Travis Smith.
Let's talk about touring: Amoral in France, is it planed any soon ? With whom ? If you were free to choose two bands to tour with, who would it be ?
We're doing a tour with Norther, but there ain't any gigs in France. I don't know why. Perhaps you should ask the ICS Festival Service. I wanna tour with Pussycat Dolls.
About your line-up: it seems that you still haven't replaced Erkki Silvennoinen. Are you still searching for someone to replace him or are you considering becoming a non-bass-inside band ?
Yes, we are searching for a permanent member.
What are the bands you feel close to stylistically and/or on a human level ? Have you any advice for us: bands not to miss, band to avoid at all cost ?
Omnium Gatherum. Check them out now.
I never had the chance to see you on stages: once there, are you more acting like concentrated technicians that focus on their instruments in order to render the songs as close as what is on display on the album, or do you become crazy unleashed beasts craving for sweaty moshpits ?
More of the latter. We got so much crap going on onstage that it's more like a circus sometimes.
Do you sometimes feel the need to express yourselves in other musical directions that couldn't fit AMORAL's trademark ? Any side projects besides your main band ?
Some of us have some small projects, but nothing big. Mostly home recordings among friends. We're too lazy to finish off all the started projects. We get to fulfil our musical ambitions in Amoral quite well.
Given the cover art of the last album as well as the “I'm growling while sitting in my car” video clip for “Lacrimal Gland”, I guess Amoral likes to develop a slightly tongue-in-cheek kind of humour … am I right or will you definitely kick me in the ass next time we meet ?
You are right on that one.
Please feel free to use this last “question” to speak you mind, spread a message or say hello to your mummy !
Thanks. The gig in Montpellier on the Finntroll gig was kickass. Cheers to the people who were there! | cglaume 25 Septembre 2007 - 4107 lectures | | 6 COMMENTAIRE(S) citer | Ah mais c'est pas une critique ! Je pense que ça doit faire plaisir à la personne que tu interviewes ce genre de truc, ça montre que tu t'intéresse à leur œuvre... ça doit faire moins plaisir si c'est négatif par contre
C'est juste que ça fait bizarre à côté des réponses | citer | Ikea a écrit : Clair mais les réponses sont assez marrantes, pince-sans-rire.
Par contre, cglaume, tu poses les questions les plus longues que j'ai jamais vu
Ca équilibre avec les réponses du gratteux !!
(et puis était-ce autant le cas dans mes autres ITWs ? Oui ? Merde ... ) | citer | Clair mais les réponses sont assez marrantes, pince-sans-rire.
Par contre, cglaume, tu poses les questions les plus longues que j'ai jamais vu | citer | Mouais. Il s'est vraiment pas fait chié le mec | AJOUTER UN COMMENTAIRE | plus d'infos sur | Amoral Hard rock boosté au metal finlandais - 1997 † 2017 - Finlande | | |
25/09/2007 21:37
C'est juste que ça fait bizarre à côté des réponses
25/09/2007 17:03
Par contre, cglaume, tu poses les questions les plus longues que j'ai jamais vu
Ca équilibre avec les réponses du gratteux !!
(et puis était-ce autant le cas dans mes autres ITWs ? Oui ? Merde ... )
25/09/2007 16:28
Au moins il a répondu, c'est pas comme ces connards de Blowjob For A Gayboy
Ca c'est sûr et j'ai moi aussi une liste qui commence à s'allonger
Ikea a écrit : Par contre, cglaume, tu poses les questions les plus longues que j'ai jamais vu
25/09/2007 16:01
Par contre, cglaume, tu poses les questions les plus longues que j'ai jamais vu
25/09/2007 15:59
Au moins il a répondu, c'est pas comme ces connards de Blowjob For A Gayboy
25/09/2007 15:52