Les news du 7 Septembre 2014 News
Les news du 7 Septembre 2014
» | Le guitariste Indee Rehal-Sagoo a annoncé il y a quelques jours son départ d' EYE OF SOLITUDE (death doom). Rappelons que le groupe sortira fin novembre son nouvel EP Dear Insanity chez Kaotoxin.
"Dear All,
I am saddened to tell you that I am departing Eye Of Solitude, it is just my time to move on. There is nothing personal against any one in the band, I laaaav them all and honestly wish the band the best of success in the future.
It was hard decision to make but one necessary for me right now. I am having to re evaluate my priorities in life after a series of hard times and felt it was necessary to take a step in a different direction.
I would like to personally thank Deos Eos, Mark Isfeth Antoniades, Chris Baalrath Davies, Adriano Ferraro and the gone but not forgotten Pedro Caballero Clemente for all the ups and downs we shared together. I have had some amazing experiences with my brothers and will miss them. Cheers to Nico Kaotoxin and Kaotoxin Records for being so supportive and great.
Thank you to everyone I've shared a stage with, its been an honour but hopefully not the last time! All the bricks, return of the macks and faaakin 'ells have been crazy! The last few years have been immense, thanks to everyone I've met along this journey for making it special!
Well if anyone knows me well, you know that I will continue with my life that is music driven and hopefully I will see you all in my future endeavours.
Indee R-S" | | » | Le second EP t Begins At Birth des Belges de TORTURERAMA (death metal) va être réédité en format CD par le label Dolorem Records. Uniquement disponible à la base sous format K7, It Begins At Birth, masterisé par Fredde Kaddeth de Massive Assault, est un hommage à la scène death metal suédoise old-school. L’EP sera disponible à partir du lundi 8 septembre 2014 et sera limité à 100 exemplaires. Toutefois, vous pouvez le retrouver dès à présent en écoute libre sur Bandcamp. Plus d’infos sur Facebook et l'e-shop du label. | | » | SAILLE (black symphonique) sortira son nouveau disque Eldritch chez Code666 Records. Tracklist:
01) Emerald
02) Walpurgis
03) The Great God Pan
04) Aklo
05) Cold War
06) Eater of Worlds
07) Red Death
08) Dagon
09) Carcosa | | » | MIST (doom) a signé sur Soulseller Records pour la sortie cet hiver d'un EP et plus tard de 2 full-length. | | » | SEPTYCAL GORGE (brutal death) propose à cette adresse le titre "No Spawn, No Reign" extrait de son nouvel album Scourge of the Formless Breed sorti le 5 septembre sur Comatose Music. | | AJOUTER UN COMMENTAIRE | |
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