After All |
The Vermin Breed | Thrash | 2005 - Dockyard 1 | 40/100 |
Alchemist |
Tripsis | Psychedelic surf thrash | 2007 - Relapse Records | 83/100 |
Amoral |
Show Your Colors | Hard rock boosté au metal finlandais | 2009 - Spinefarm Records | 70/100 |
Decrowning | Death / Thrash mélodique | 2005 - Spikefarm Records | 71/100 |
Anthrax |
The Greater Of Two Evils | Thrash | 2004 - Nuclear Blast Records | 82/100 |
Arsis |
Starve For The Devil | Death/Thrash'n'Roll Technique | 2010 - Nuclear Blast Records | 60/100 |
A Celebration of Guilt | Death technique | 2004 - Willowtip Records | 76/100 |
Atheist |
Jupiter | Techno-death/thrash | 2010 - Season Of Mist | 88/100 |
Atrox |
Binocular | Avant-garde electro heavy thrash | 2008 - Season Of Mist | 82/100 |
Backlash |
Synopsixsixsix | Thrash'n Roll | 2006 - Autoproduction | 78/100 |
Battered |
Battered | Thrash Metal | 2006 - Tabu Recordings | 62/100 |
Blood Tsunami |
Thrash Metal | Thrash | 2007 - Nocturnal Art Productions | 70/100 |
Bloodjinn |
This Machine Runs On Empty | Thrashcore - Metalcore | 2008 - Listenable Records | 62/100 |
Byzantine |
Oblivion Beckons | Power thrash mélodique | 2008 - Prosthetic Records | 79/100 |
Cadavera |
You will better die | Hardcore / Thrash | 2001 - Autoproduction | 66/100 |
Centinex |
World Declension | Death/Thrash | 2005 - Regain Records | 74/100 |
Decadence | Death/Thrash mélodique | 2004 - Candlelight Records | 84/100 |
Cesspit |
Mon fils est une omelette | Thrash-Death | 2004 - Adipocere Records | 55/100 |
Chimaira |
Chimaira | Power/Thrash | 2005 - Roadrunner Records | 70/100 |
Chryseis |
Presence Of The Past | Techno-Thrash Progressif | 2007 - Autoproduction | 65/100 |
Codeon |
Source | Death/Thrash mélodique technique | 2008 - Drakkar Entertainment | 76/100 |
Construcdead |
Endless Echo | Thrash/Death plutôt mélodique | 2009 - Black Lodge Records | 78/100 |
Contradiction |
The Voice Of Hatred | Power Thrash | 2005 - Armageddon Music | 66/100 |
Coprofago |
Unorthodox Creative Criteria | Thrash jazzy technique et brutal | 2005 - Sekhmet Records | 80/100 |
Criminal |
White Hell | Thrash/Death Morderne | 2009 - Massacre Records | 55/100 |
No Gods No Masters | Thrash/Death | 2004 - Metal Blade Records | 76/100 |
Dagon |
Terraphobic | Heavy/Death/Thrash mélodique | 2009 - Bombworks Records | 75/100 |
Darkane |
Demonic Art | Death / Thrash Mélodique | 2008 - Massacre Records | 67/100 |
Layers Of Lies | Death / Thrash Mélodique | 2005 - Nuclear Blast Records | 86/100 |
Decadence |
3rd Stage Of Decay | Thrash/death mélodique | 2008 - Massacre Records | 76/100 |
Defleshed |
Reclaim the Beat | Death / Thrash | 2005 - Regain Records | 72/100 |
Dekapitator |
The Storm Before The Calm | Old-school fucking thrash metal | 2007 - Relapse Records | 68/100 |
Delirious |
Made For The Violent Age | Thrash Metal | 2006 - Armageddon Music | 75/100 |
Demosys |
Murder School | Thrash | 2003 - Autoproduction | 87/100 |
Descending |
Enter Annihilation | Death/Thrash mélodique | 2008 - Massacre Records | 80/100 |
Destinity |
The Inside | Death / Thrash moderne | 2008 - Rupture Music | 86/100 |
Synthetic Existence | Death aux relents Black Sympho | 2005 - Adipocere Records | 82/100 |
In Excelsis Dementia | Black / Death symphonique | 2004 - Adipocere Records | 80/100 |
DevilDriver |
The Fury Of Our Maker's Hand | Métal moderne | 2005 - Roadrunner Records | 40/100 |
Dew-Scented |
Incinerate | Thrash | 2007 - Nuclear Blast Records | 60/100 |
Issue VI | Thrash | 2005 - Nuclear Blast Records | 64/100 |
Dimension Zero |
He Who Shall Not Bleed | Death/Thrash mélodique | 2008 - Vic Records | 78/100 |
This Is Hell | Death / Thrash | 2003 - Regain Records | 75/100 |
Enemy Of The Sun |
Shadows | Heavy / Thrash moderne | 2008 - Massacre Records | 81/100 |
Entombed |
Serpent Saints | Death Suédois | 2007 - Threeman Recordings | 83/100 |
When In Sodom | Metal culte | 2006 - Threeman Recordings | 80/100 |
Exodus |
The Human Condition | Thrash | 2010 - Nuclear Blast Records | 70/100 |
Let There Be Blood | Bonded By Blood Reloaded | 2008 - Zaentz Records | 65/100 |
The Atrocity Exhibition | Thrash | 2007 - Nuclear Blast Records | 85/100 |
Shovel Headed Kill Machine | Thrash | 2005 - Nuclear Blast Records | 80/100 |
Tempo Of The Damned | Thrash | 2004 - Nuclear Blast Records | 60/100 |
Fight |
War Of Words | Thrash Groove Metal | 1993 - Epic Records | 66/100 |
Final Breath |
Let me be your Tank | Death / Thrash | 2004 - Remedy Records | 62/100 |
Full Blown Chaos |
Heavy Lies The Crown | Thrashcore | 2007 - Ferret Music | 79/100 |
Furia |
Blast'n Fuck | Mélo power thrash calibré | 2008 - Autoproduction | 77/100 |
Kheros | Death mélodique moderne | 2006 - Season Of Mist | 74/100 |
Re-Birth | Death Metal Mélodique | 2005 - Adipocere Records | 71/100 |
Grip Inc. |
Incorporated | thrash | 2004 - Steamhammer Records (SPV) | 91/100 |
Gutworm |
Ruin The Memory | Thrashcore | 2005 - Anticulture Records | 78/100 |
Hacride |
Amoeba | Thrash/Death original | 2007 - Listenable Records | 66/100 |
Deviant Current Signal | Thrash/Death | 2005 - Listenable Records | 73/100 |
HateSphere |
The Killing EP | Thrash New-School | 2005 - Steamhammer Records (SPV) | 78/100 |
Ballet Of The Brute | Death/Thrash | 2004 - Scarlet Records | 72/100 |
Heathen |
The Evolution Of Chaos | Thrash/Heavy | 2010 - Mascot Records | 88/100 |
Hemoragy |
First Blood | Heavy-Thrash | 2005 - Autoproduction | 60/100 |
Horrorscope |
The Crushing Design | Thrash | 2005 - Shark Records | 77/100 |
Impaled |
The Last Gasp | Death Metal | 2007 - Willowtip Records | 72/100 |
Death After Life | Death Metal | 2005 - Century Media Records | 78/100 |
Incapacity |
9th Order Extinct | Death/Thrash | 2004 - Metal Blade Records | 76/100 |
Kalmah |
For The Revolution | Death/Speed/Thrash mélodique | 2008 - Spikefarm Records | 66/100 |
The Black Waltz | Death/Thrash/Speed mélodique | 2006 - Spikefarm Records | 65/100 |
Kreator |
Hordes Of Chaos | Thrash | 2009 - SPV | 82/100 |
Enemy Of God | Thrash | 2005 - SPV | 72/100 |
Kristendom |
Awakening The Chaos | Death/Thrash mélodique | 2005 - Thundering Records | 68/100 |
Legion Of The Damned |
Cult Of The Dead | Thrash metal | 2008 - Massacre Records | 68/100 |
Sons Of The Jackal | Thrash | 2007 - Massacre Records | 65/100 |
Lethal Mind |
A Thousand Voices | Thrash mélodique | 2006 - Autoproduction | 65/100 |
Liva |
Requiem | Thrash-Death teinté de musique classique | 2002 - Stoke Records | 55/100 |
Lyzanxia |
Unsu | Thrash/Death Mélodique | 2006 - Listenable Records | 74/100 |
Machine Head |
The Blackening | Power/Thrash | 2007 - Roadrunner Records | 88/100 |
Through The Ashes of Empires | Power métal | 2003 - Roadrunner Records | 58/100 |
Mahatma |
Perseverance | Thrash poussif | 2007 - Listenable Records | 60/100 |
Mahavatar |
Go With The No! | Heavy/Thrash en string | 2005 - Cruz Del Sur Music | 56/100 |
Malmonde |
Eva | Cyber heavy/thrash metal | 2005 - Musicast | 68/100 |
Marionette |
Spite | Death/Thrash mélodique next gen | 2008 - Listenable Records | 60/100 |
Megadeth |
The System Has Failed | Heavy / Thrash | 2004 - Sanctuary Records | 66/100 |
Mencea |
Dark Matter Energy Noir | Death/Thrash moderne | 2008 - Indie Recordings | 70/100 |
Meshuggah |
obZen | Pop (non je déconne) | 2008 - Nuclear Blast Records | 80/100 |
Catch 33 | Metal extrême technique | 2005 - Nuclear Blast Records | 90/100 |
Metallica |
Death Magnetic | Metal | 2008 - Vertigo | 80/100 |
Misery Index |
Retaliate | Death/Grind Metal | 2003 - Nuclear Blast Records | 72/100 |
Morphoss |
Marches For The Condemned | Brutal Thrash | 2006 - Autoproduction | 70/100 |
Mors Principium Est |
Liberation = Termination | Death/Thrash mélodique moderne | 2007 - Listenable Records | 78/100 |
The Unborn | Death mélodique moderne | 2005 - Listenable Records | 80/100 |
Mystic Prophecy |
Fireangel | Power/Speed | 2009 - Massacre Records | 58/100 |
Satanic Curses | Heavy/Speed | 2007 - Massacre Records | 74/100 |
Necronomicon |
Construction of Evil | Thrash old school | 2004 - Remedy Records | 51/100 |
Nevermore |
The Obsidian Conspiracy | Power/Heavy/Thrash Moderne Mélodique | 2010 - Century Media Records | 75/100 |
This Godless Endeavor | Heavy/Thrash | 2005 - Century Media Records | 72/100 |
Nightfall |
LYSSA | Thrash/Death aux multiples facettes | 2004 - Black Lotus Records | 71/100 |
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